Baylor Homecoming 2010

 Homecoming Weekend at Baylor is always fun, but this year was special.  Chad & Josh
are both students at the University and also living together in an apartment right off campus.  We wanted to be part of the celebration for Chad's last Homecoming as a 
student and Josh's first one.  As the oldest university in Texas, Baylor's homecoming
events have been a tradition since 1909!

We arrived into Waco just in time to take Chad to dinner at Shogun - a Japanese hibachi grill.  Josh met us later that evening for the Baylor bonfire and pep rally along with THOUSANDS of others!!  The lighting of the bonfire is always surrounded by a carnival atmosphere, motivational speeches and lots of pomp and circumstance.       
   Yell Leaders and students paraded out with lighted torches, standing around the stacked wood in order to get the fire started evenly.  

On top of the bonfire were victory signs as well as KSU (Kansas State University) letters ready to burn.  Chad stands in the crowd with the fire in the background. 

 The fire burned fast and HOT!  We were close enough to feel the heat and had to move back as the fire got more intense.  You can still see the KSU outline.  The crowd close by dissipated quickly, since it was scorching. 

Josh and Liz enjoyed the bonfire festivities between performances of Pigskin, an annual Homecoming tradition since 1958 at Baylor.  It showcases the winning acts from the previous spring's 'All University Sing' competition.  The acts are musical, Broadway-style acts prepared and performed by campus organizations, complete with costumes, elaborate backdrops and props, and complex choreography.  Liz is in Theta sorority and they performed "A Ring by Spring", which was wonderful.   

After the festivities, we went back to the boys' apartment to celebrate Josh's birthday, which was on Wednesday.  We brought him a cake so that we could celebrate his 21st birthday together.  The chocolate cake with homemade chocolate icing was a hit!
 Baylor's Homecoming Parade, which is believed to be the largest in the nation, started early on Saturday morning. The parade was a first-class extravaganza of color which featured bands, horse-drawn carriages and wagons, student and civic organizations, and a stream of dignitaries. This year, we were happy to see some of OUR friends in the parade too! :) A couple from our Sunday School in Dallas (years ago) was chosen as "Baylor Parents of the Year".  Also, a sweet friend from our Woodlands Church small group was honored as a dignitary - since she was Baylor's Homecoming Queen in 1985!  How fun!!  
 Pi Kappa Phi fraternity's float (Chad's fraternity) was excellent!  Since he is a 5th year student, he was able to enjoy it without any of the work!

 This float, based on the children's book, Winnie the Pooh
received the honor of 'Judges Choice'.   

 One of the more patriotic Floats was "War on the 'Kansas City' Wildcats".

 Thetas float, "Dungeons and Dragons and Bears - Oh My!" was beautiful.

 I loved the Texas Stagecoach - Right from the Old West!

 I especially love walking around the Baylor campus and seeing scripture engraved in the sidewalks and on buildings.  To see the word of the Lord honored was wonderful! 

After lunch (and a wonderful bean dip that CHAD made), the boys (& friends) headed to the football game, which started  at 2:30, but quickly had a 2 hour rain delay.  We decided to go back to Houston, but kept up with the score.  The Baylor Bears rose to the challenge of Homecoming with a 47-42 win over Kansas State.  With the victory, the Bears have a 6-2 season record so far, reaching bowl eligibility for the first time since 1995.   
What a great homecoming weekend - for ALL of us! 
Sic 'em Bears!
We are proud of you!


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